DSP FPGA Mikrokontroler satelit

INSPIRE Workshop at PENS ITS (October 19-20, 2009)

INSPIRE (Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research & Education) is a nonprofit initiative project that aims to build & develop a satellite technology platform (nano-satellites in particular) among universities in Indonesia, by placing students as main participants.

INSPIRE project was created to remind that our country is enough left behind by other developing countries in the field of satellite technology, yet this technology platform can support other sectors such as telecommunications, navigation, marine, environmental, natural resource exploration, as well as early warning system for disaster.

INSPIRE project is expected to raise as well as providing transfer media of knowledge and skills as well as to grow and develop interest in the satellite technology (especially nano-satellites) among the students, and the universities as a center of activity.

Certainly, the final goal of this project does not just stop with the nano-satellite in the university & college students only, but is expected to advance satellite technology in Indonesia, because the technology is very vital existence, either in an academic environment as well as in industrial environments (telecommunication & informatics) .

One early milestone INSPIRE project is convening a national workshop, which brought together the stakeholders in the satellite technology in Indonesia, such as Tubsat LAPAN team, IiNUSAT (Indonesian Inter-University Satellite) team, INASAT team, as well as the experts and the entrepreneurs of nano-satellites from abroad. Moreover, it also invited representatives of students and universities throughout Indonesia as a potential major participant in the next INSPIRE activities. This workshop also bring them together in a forum to discuss strategies and synergies in the future for education and mastering of nano-satellite technology for the welfare of the nation.

The Purpose

The purpose of the 2009 National Nano-satellite Workshop on the 2009 is to introduce nano-satellite technology to students and lecturers from various universities in Indonesia, and discussed to form a consortium of Indonesian students to the develop Indonesian nano-satellites.

First Day, October 19, 2009

  • “Nano-Satellite in University: Research, Education, and Industrial Application” by Prof. Eberhard Gill (LR – TUDelft)
  • “Satellite Projects in LAPAN: Current State and Future Developments” by Dr. –Ing. Soewarto Hardhienata (Deputi Bid. Tek. Dirgantara LAPAN)
  • “Astrodynamics” by Dr. Ridanto Eko Poetro (IiNUSAT, ITB)
  • “Technical Aspect of LAPAN Satellites” by Gunawan Setyo Prabowo, M.Eng. (INASAT – LAPAN)
  • “Electronics and Micro structural Properties of Thin Film Solar Cells” by Dr. Riza Muhida (IIUM)
  • “Control and Robotics” by Dr. Endra Pitowarno (PENS-ITS)
  • “On-board Satellite Controller based on ARM Processor by Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra (IiNUSAT, ELINS – UGM)

Second Day, October 20, 2009

  • “Satellite Applications for Oceanary” by Aryo Hanggono (Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan RI)
  • “Business Spin-Off and Application of Nano-Satellite Project” by Jeroen Rotteveel (ISIS BV)
  • “Electromagnetic Wave Propagation” by Prof. Dr. Gamantyo Hendrantoro (ITS)
  • “Satellite Command and Data Handling System” by Dwi Hartanto, M.Sc. (Delfi-n3Xt TU Delft)
  • “Low-Power Telecommunication System for Nanosatellite” by Aryo Primagati (ISIS B.V.)
  • Opening of INSPIRE Final Discussion

For more information, you should see the Delft Indonesian Students Association Colloquium (KOPI Delft) videos, who talked about INSPIRE:

On the first day also had conducted a roundtable discussion involving the PPI Delft, ITS, PENS, UGM, ITB in order to start the INSPIRE.

The iniators of INSPIRE (left to right): Ridanto Eko Poetro (ITB, kaos putih), Deddy Wicaksono (TU Delft), Son Kuswandi (ITS/DIKNAS), Dwi Hartanto (TU Delft), Riza Muhida (IIUM), Gunawan S. Prabowo (LAPAN), Endro Pitowarno (PENS), Agfianto E. Putra (UGM) dan Aryo Primagati (ISIS)

  • One year later, in October 11-13, 2010, we conducted Mission Design Review Workshop at Bandung.
  • In November 22-24, 2010, we conducted Preliminary Design Review Workshop at Surabaya.
  • In November 2011, we build and doing functional and integration testing of our satellite model at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • In Dec 27-30, 2011, we were at Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to propose using PSLV to luanch our IiNUSAT-1 Nano Satellite.
With Indonesian Ambassador for Indian after ISRO Meeting Dec 28, 2011, everyone happy because of the successfull meeting with ISRO.