DSP satelit

SEMILINS Edisi Juni 2020: Peran Satelit di Era Industri 4.0

Seminar ELINS edisi Juni 2020 dengan topik “Peran Satelit di Era Industri 4.0” bersama Anggoro Kurnianto Widyawan, Ph.D. – Direktur Operasi PT Telkomsat dan Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra, M.Si. – Dosen dan Peneliti Elektronika dan Instrumentasi UGM.

Peran Satelit di Era Industri 4.0

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Mikrokontroler satelit

Study of data format for small vessel tracking based on LPWAN network

Implementation of LPWAN very large application, such as remote location, agriculture, mining, and transportation. This paper discusses for data format on implementation small vessel tracking for traditional fisherman. data format is very important for tracking system can be monitoring vessel simple. data format can be optimized perform on IoT network, such as delay, bandwidth, range and power consumption energy. Data format with 68 Bytes Strings stream to gateway Lora every 3 seconds. Data format for gateway to Broker server utilize MQTT format with 4-way connection, such as connect, connect ack, publish data and disconnect. Based on experiment, data format can use robust for small vessel and can implemented on this application.


control Mikrokontroler satelit

Rancang Bangun Purwarupa Penerima Paket APRS Berbasis Raspberry Pi 2 untuk Stasiun Bumi

Oleh Agfianto Eko Putra, Unggul Adhi Nugroho, Bakhtiar Alldino Ardi Sumbada dan Catur Atmaji


Telah dirancang-bangun penerima  paket APRS  berbasis  Raspberry  Pi  2  untuk  stasiun bumi.Tuner  TV  digunakan  sebagai  penerima  sinyal,  alat  penerima  diakses  melalui  laptop secara nirkabel. Antena Yagi dengan sebuah pengendali digunakan agar dapat secara otomatis mengarahkanke  satelit.Ujicoba  dilakukan  dengan  menerima  paket  APRS  yang  dipancarkan digipeater  satelit  International  Space  Station  (ISS)  dan  satelit  LAPAN-A2.  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa alat ini mampu  mendapatkan paket  APRS  satelit  ISS  dengan  jumlah  6 paket dari 10 paket yang dipancarkan. Paket yang diterima memiliki rata-rata amplitudo pada frekuensi 1.200 Hz dan 2.200 Hz yang bernilai jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan amplitudo audio keseluruhan.  Hal  ini  menunjukkan  bahwa  terdapat  derau  yang  tinggi  pada  sinyal.  Sedangkan paket APRS dari satelit LAPAN-A2 belum berhasil diperoleh.

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Ship Identification on Satellite Image Using Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest

by Endang Anggiratih and Agfianto Eko Putra


Ship identification on satellite imagery can be used for fisheries management, monitoring of smuggling activities, ship traffic services, and naval warfare. However, high-resolution satellite imagery also makes the segmentation of the ship difficult in the background, so that to handle it requires reliable features so that it can be identified adequately between large vessels, small vessels and not ships. The Convolution Neural Network (CNN) method, which has the advantage of being able to extract features automatically and produce reliable features that facilitate ship identification. This study combines CNN ZFNet architecture with the Random Forest method. The training was conducted with the aim of knowing the accuracy of the ZFNet layers to produce the best features, which are characterized by high accuracy, combined with the Random Forest method. Testing the combination of this method is done with two parameters, namely batch size and a number of trees. The test results identify large vessels with an accuracy of 87.5% and small vessels with an accuracy of not up to 50%.

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Mikrokontroler satelit

Implementasi Lorawan Server Untuk Sistem Tracking Perahu Nelayan Berbasis MQTT Protocol

Willy Permana Putra (Politeknik Negeri Indramayu), Rizal Iman M (Politeknik Negeri Indramayu), A Sumarudin (Politeknik Negeri Indramayu dan Agfianto Eko Putra (UGM)

Luas perairan Indonesia sebesar 64.97 % dari luas wilayah Indonesia dengan jumlah nelayan sebanyak 2.17 juta nelayan di seluruh Indonesia. Kebanyakan dari nelayan Indonesia tersebut masih menggunakan cara tradisional dalam melaut. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk dapat membuat server sistem tracking perahu nelayan secara realtime. Dengan sistem ini, nelayan kecil dengan kegiatan nya hanya 1 – 2 hari melaut (one day fishing) dalam melakukan pelayarannya tingkat keselamatan nelayan dapat ditingkatkan dikarenakan dapat terpantau posisinya. Sistem yang dikembangkan menggunakan server berbasis mqtt protocol di sisi gateway. Server menggunakan mysql server menggunakan get JSON Parsing. Sebagai front end sistem tracking untuk menampilkan kordinat perahu berbasis web. Dari hasil implementasi didapat bahwa server dapat merespon dengan baik dari end device dengan melakukan pengiriman data secara periodik.

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Mikrokontroler satelit

Satellite Tracking Control System for UGM Ground Station Based on TLE Calculation

by Agfianto Eko Putra, Bakhtiar Alldino Ardi Sumbada, Anas Nurbaqin

UGM ground station requires a satellite tracking control system that can follow the movements of the satellite. The system proposed in this study is relying on the calculation of Two Line Elements (TLE), the reason is that the data TLE has a subtle error. The compass sensor is used to ensure accuracy; the results were evaluated using a protractor, and about 99%. Moreover, this system is also tested to receive images from NOAA satellites using the RTL-SDR and Yagi antennas. In general, this system can follow the motion of the satellite well.

Published in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks, and Satellite (COMNETSAT2016)

control satelit

Satellite Tracking Control System for UGM Ground Station based on TLE Calculation

UGM ground station requires a satellite tracking control system that can follow the movements of the satellite. The system proposed in this study is relying on the calculation of Two Line Elements (TLE), the reason is that the data TLE has a subtle error. The compass sensor is used to ensure accuracy; the results were evaluated using a protractor, and about 99%. Moreover, this system is also tested to receive images from NOAA satellites using the RTL-SDR and Yagi antennas. In general, this system can follow the motion of the satellite well.

[click here for the PDF]

Mikrokontroler satelit

Real-time operating system implementation on OBC/OBDH for UGMSat-1 sequence

On-Board Computer or On-Board Data Handling (OBC/OBDH) has an important role as a manager for data housekeeping and communication handling between OBC/OBDH to its TTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) and EPS (Electronic Power System) subsystems in the satellite system. In order to operate according to the satellite sequence the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) is implemented on the UGMSat-1. The CooCox CoOS is used as an RTOS which is has three tasks which are Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication Task. The highest priority among the tasks on the system is Communication Task. The experiment proves that three tasks can run well with the time cycle of 2.034 30.047 and 1.017 seconds for Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication task respectively. The result of overall experiments shows that the OBC/OBDH can manage data packets and sent them to Ground Station.

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Mikrokontroler satelit

Desain dan Implementasi On-Board Computer/ On-Board Data Handling (OBDH) pada UGM-SAT

Telah berhasil dibuat model teknik subsistem OBDH dari UGM-SAT. Subsistem OBDH bertugas untuk mengendalikan pertukaran data dan komunikasi antara OBDH dengan subsistem lain. Pengendali utama dari OBDH menggunakan mikrokontroler PIC16F877A dengan frekuensi clock 20 Mhz. OBDH dilengkapi dengan empat buah eksternal EEPROM tipe 24LC256, digunakan untuk menyimpan data housekeeping satelit.Sub sistem OBDH dilengkapi dengan tiga buah sensor yaitu sensor arus ACS712ELCTR-05B-T, sensor tegangan dan sensor suhu LM355Z. Akurasi pengukuran ketiga sensor tersebut yaitu lebih dari 99%.Sub sistem OBDH dilengkapi dengan IC Real Time Clock (RTC) DS3232M dengan internal clock 32,768 KHz, digunakan untuk menyesuaikan waktu antara OBDH dengan subsistem lainnya.

Pemilihan komponen pada subsistem OBDH diharuskan memenuhi kriteria yaitu berstandar industri, berukuran kecil dan memiliki tingkat konsumsi listrik rendah.Desain OBDH dirancang agar sistem dapat beroperasi pada kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrim. Komunikasi antara OBDH dengan subsistem lain menggunakan standar komunikasi I2C. Protokol komunikasi data antar subsistem dirancang dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma kode Hamming(8,4), untuk mencegah kesalahan penulisan data housekeeping pada EEPROM eksternal, yang disebabkan oleh radiasi. Kecepatan deteksi dan koreksi kesalahan pada data telemetri dengan algoritma kode Hamming(8,4) yaitu 1.800 byte/s. Model teknik OBDH dari UGM-SAT telah memenuhi spesifikasi standar dari misi satelit dan siap untuk dilakukan pengujian perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak lebih lanjut.

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IiNUSAT-1: The 1st Indonesian inter-university nano-satellite for research and education

Mastery of aerospace technology becomes very important for Indonesia. Due to the given the vast areas of Indonesia mostly in the form of marine waters.This condition has made a guarding and monitoring becomes easy. Therefore needed satellite technology that can be utilized to guard the interests of the territory of Indonesia. The success of developing IiNUSAT-1 on the one hand proves that the universities in Indonesia have competence in the field of nano-satellite development, on the other hand also shows that gotong-royong (working-together) in research-networks and technology will accelerate the research competence. In the first year of development IiNUSAT-1 produced a document Prelimidary Design Review, and a prototype of the nano-satellite. The result shows that the nano-satellite prototype has maximum transfer rate 115.2 kbps and every parameter is sampled every second. Having experience developing and operating the nano-satellite in the first year research project, it will trigger the research related to security and prosperity of the nation. The next version of the nano-satellite will be payloaded with sensors and instruments which can be utilized for national security and prosperity.

(click here for download the paper)