
Sony Playstation Prototyping with LabVIEW, Xilinx FPGA

Engineers designed serial protocol for Sony Playstation 2 controller using NI PXI R Series reconfigurable I/O hardware with Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA programmed with NI LabVIEW FPGA. As a result, they were able to iterate on design by prototyping with LabVIEW, high-performance PXI and reconfigurable FPGA.


FPGA Basics by Vineet

Vineet describes what FPGAs are and how they are useful…


Simulasi Lampu Trafik!

Simulasi lampu trafik menggunakan LogiFlash bisa Anda coba saksikan sendiri dengan mengklik gambar di bawah ini (maaf keterangan dalam Bahasa Jerman)…

Anda bisa menggunakan LogiFlash untuk belajar elektronika digital, silahkan klik pada Links di sebelah kanan bagian “Belajar Elektronika Digital” atau klik disini, selamat mencoba.

Tutorialnya kapan-kapan saya tulis… mohon dukungan, terima kasih!

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Floating-point Unit Implementation in Altera FLEX10K FPGA using VHDL

Floating-point systems were developed to provide high resolution over a large dynamic range. Floating-point systems can often provide a solution when fixed-point systems, with their limited dynamic range, fail. Floating-point systems, however, bring a speed and complexity penalty. Most microprocessor floating-point systems comply with the published single- or double-precision IEEE floating-point standard; while in FPGA-based systems often employ custom formats. In this research, a 16-bit floating-point unit, which has addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operator, and based on floating-point system, has been implemented in Altera FLEX10K FPGA using VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language). The design used structural and behavior model implementation to know which the best design is. The best results are structural model using ROM which require 438 logic elements with 7.99 MFLOPS (million floating-point operations per second), and the behavior model using ROM which require 526 logic elements with 7.51 MFLOPS. The floating-point unit has been designed for normal floating-point operation, thus it can not detect overflow or underflow conditions.

Download full paper here (PDF) – The 1st International Seminar on Sciences and Technology (ISSTEC) 2009.


Images and High-Speed Processing using FPGAs

This application is designed to show how several high data rate applications can be handled using VHDL on FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). The system consists of a high speed camera, processor core, disk drive interface, Random Access Memory (RAM) interface and serial link to an external Program Counter (PC). The overall system has been chosen to illustrate how to move large amounts of data around quickly and efficiently. The outline of such a test application is shown in the figure below. As can be seen, there are several key aspects involved, but mainly it is about moving large amounts of data around a system quickly, efficiently and reliably.

The basic system is shown in outline form in Figure below.

The key performance aspect of this system is in the three interfaces:

  1. Camera ⇔FPGA
  2. FPGA ⇔ PC/Hard disk drive (HDD)
  3. FPGA ⇔ RAM

If we consider the basic camera performance criteria, we have four issues to consider:

  1. Resolution
  2. Frame rate
  3. Color specification
  4. Clip size

In this example, the resolution is defined as being 640×480 pixels, the color mode is 24-bit color (3×8 bit planes), the maximum frame rate is 100 s and finally the basic clip size is anything up to 10 s.

What is not shown in the overview figure above is the requirement for some basic control options (such as ‘play’, ‘record’, ‘store’) to allow the stored clips to be replayed using a standard Video Graphics Array (VGA) output (available on most FPGA development kits) or stored for long-term storage on an HDD (or similar high-capacity storage device). This could be handled separately using a PC interface, but that detail is beyond the scope of this basic system description.

[For more information download this article from this site]


Convergence and Digitization

We are transitioning from an industrial-based analog economy to an information-based digital economy. The momentum for this transition is been fueled by a number of converging factors.

  • Converging media: Digitization of data, voice, video, and communications is driving consumer product convergence. Convergence is happening in everyone’s backyard with incredible computing power being embedded within everyday consumer appliances. The digital revolution, be it from vinyl players changing to MP3 players or from analog TV to digital TV (recently, TVRI has trial broadcasted Digital TV in Jakarta), is occurring very rapidly. Data, video, and voice can now be transmitted over the same backbone due to the digital revolution.
  • Internet based lifestyles: As quickly as the Internet came into our lives it has become omnipresent. Families are becoming more aware of how the Internet can be used in their homes, and companies are also increasingly using it as a commercial channel. The Internet serves as the technology platform that enables an entirely new generation of consumer applications, including voice and video communications, e-commerce solutions, personalized news services, home security and automation, utilities resource management, and entertainment title distribution. The availability of such a wide variety of applications is changing the way people relate to the Internet itself. “Internet Lifestyles” is a new way of thinking that has resulted in the formation of an organization called the Internet Home Alliance. The principle behind this new organization is that consumers want to enjoy the benefits of the Internet lifestyle without worrying about the technology that enables it to work. The Alliance is bringing new levels of comfort, convenience, and security by creating the necessary infrastructure. Installation and support from various companies provide integrated services, eliminating the need for multiple points of consumer contact.
  • Deregulation: There is a heavy deregulation of global infrastructure industries such as telecommunications, utilities, and cable. These companies are developing new ways of improving their business by using the Internet and increasing revenues through additional services to the home.
  • Digitization of consumer products: For some time now, there has been a trend towards the digitization of consumer products. A product that is digital is one which is synonymous with higher quality, greater accuracy, higher reliability, faster speed, lower power, and lower cost. Simply stated, anything that is digital is better. The digitization of consumer products has not only led to the improvement of existing products, but it has also lead to the creation of a whole new class of products that never before existed. PVRs (Personal Video Recorders) are revolutionizing the way we watch TV, satellite modems are bringing faster Internet access to the home, and MP3 players have revolutionized portable digital music.


  • Dhir, Amit, 2001, “The Home Networking Revolution: A Designer’s Guide“, Xilinx, Inc.
  • Xilinx: Market Solutions (click here)

Purwarupa Mikroprosesor berbasis FPGA ALTERA EPF10K10 dengan Deskripsi VHDL


It has been designed and implemented an FPGA-based microprocessor prototype using Altera EPF10K10 and VHDL description then compiled and simulate using MAX+Plus II software. The microprocessor prototype is implementing using the Wizard A-01 development board and its assembly program stored in ROM. To decode and execute the instruction, it used Control Unit, which will send control signal to other components. The 16 instructions is implementing in this microprocessor prototype. This microprocessor prototype has 8-bit data bus and 4-bit address bus, implemented using 375 logic cells, operating at 14.72 MHz clock (maximum) and 3.68 MIPS.


Mikroprosesor telah berkembang menjadi bagian penting dalam dunia elektronika. Untuk menggunakan mikroprosesor, pengguna tinggal menyusun suatu program dengan memanfaatkan instruksi mesin (assembly) yang dimiliki oleh mikroprosesor tersebut. Adanya komponen register serta Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) memungkinkan mikroprosesor dapat menjalankan berbagai macam komputasi, mulai dari komputasi sederhana hingga yang kompleks.

Menurut Turley (2002) Kendala yang dihadapi dalam perancangan mikroprosesor adalah mahal dan lamanya fabrikasi. Untuk mengatasi kendala waktu dan biaya fabrikasi, mikroprosesor dapat diimplementasikan dalam Field Programmable Array (FPGA). FPGA merupakan piranti yang bersifat dapat dikonfigurasi-ulang (reconfigurable). FPGA memiliki komponen kombinasional dan sekuensial dalam tiap sel logik-nya, sehingga memungkinkan FPGA dapat digunakan untuk implementasi rangkaian kombinasional dan rangkaian sekuensial. Dengan teknologi FPGA, implementasi rancangan sistem digital dapat dilakukan secara cepat (Maxfield, 2004).

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengimplementasikan sebuah mikroprosesor sederhana (purwarupa mikroprosesor) dalam FPGA menggunakan deskripsi VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language).

(informasi selengkapnya bisa diunduh disini)


Implementasi Prototipe Sistem Kontrol Elevator Berbasis FPGA Menggunakan VHDL


Pada perkembangan saat ini elevator memiliki sistem kontrol yang canggih. Fasilitas yang ada semakin kompleks dan sistem kontrolnya menjadi semakin rumit. Elevator saat ini sudah dilengkapi sistem kontrol yang menggunakan PLC, mikrokontroler maupun mikroprosesor. Sedangkan FPGA merupakan media alternatif yang dapat digunakan implementasi sistem kontrol elevator tersebut.

Dalam penelitian ini dibuat prototipe rangkaian sistem kontrol elevator sederhana, yang rancangannya dibuat dengan deskripsi VHDL dan diimplementasikan pada FPGA Altera keluarga FLEX-10K seri EPF10K10. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah MAXplus+II. Sistem kontrol elevator ini digunakan untuk mengendalikan elevator 12 lantai.

Perancangan Sistem Kontrol Elevator

Sistem kontrol elevator yang dibuat dapat mengendalikan 12 lantai. Masukan kontrol berupa sinyal yang mewakili posisi tiap lantai dan sinyal keluaran berupa lantai tujuan. Sistem kontrol bekerja sebagai berikut: elevator akan bergerak pada satu arah selama masih ada permintaan lantai pada arah yang sama dan jika tidak ada permintaan lantai pada arah yang sama, elevator akan berhenti dan menjadi idle, atau berubah arah jika ada permintaan lantai dengan arah yang berlawanan.

Secara umum arsitektur VHDL dari sistem kontrol elevator mengarah pada penggunaan sistem memori. Masukan dari luar sistem akan diidentifikasikan sebagai masukan yang mengisi alamat memori dengan sinyal bit satu dan kemudian akan diakses oleh sistem kontrol. Untuk memudahkan perancangan sistem kontrol dibagi dalam beberapa blok, sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2, yang komunikasi antar blok-nya digunakan beberapa sinyal.

(informasi selengkapnya bisa diunduh disini)


Prototipe Pengatur Lampu Lalu-lintas berbasis FPGA ALTERA EPF10K10 Menggunakan VHDL


Telah dibuat sebuah Pengatur Lampu Lalu Lintas berbasis FPGA dengan menggunakan kode VHDL. Sistem pengatur lalu lintas ini terbagi menjadi dua mekanisme, yaitu kontrol otomatis dan kontrol manual, yang masing-masing terdiri dari beberapa modul yang diimplementasikan dengan VHDL. Pengatur lampu lalu lintas ini dapat mengatur waktu interval nyala lampu sehingga tidak stagnan, melainkan adaptif, baik itu berdasarkan waktu jam digital (kontrol otomatis), maupun berdasarkan pengaturan yang didefinisikan oleh pengguna (kontrol manual). Alat ini dapat bekerja dipersimpangan dengan jumlah n-jalur, misalnya perempatan, pertigaan, dan sebagainya. Hal ini dikarenakan modul terbagi menjadi modul lalu lintas inti dan modul lalu lintas unit. Rancangan alat memakai Embedded Array Block (EAB) dalam FPGA Altera EPF10K10 sebagai memori dengan penggunaan Memory Bits sebesar 96 dan Memory Utilized 1%, hasilnya menggunakan perancangan berbasis VHDL membutuhkan 327 Logic Elements atau 56% dari kapasitas total logic Element (LE) di dalam FPGA Altera EPF10K10.


Semakin meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor di indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini mengakibatkan meningkatnya arus lalu lintas. Alat pengatur lalu lintas yang umum digunakan adalah pengatur lampu lalu lintas (traffic light). Fungsi pengatur lampu lalu lintas adalah untuk pengaturan, pengarahan atau peringatan pada pengendara maupun pejalan kaki dengan memakai tanda lampu lalu lintas sebagai petunjuk berhenti atau berjalan. Penempatan lampu lalu lintas pada persimpangan jalan ditujukan agar kemacetan yang umumnya banyak terjadi pada persimpangan jalan yang merupakan tempat bertemunya beberapa arus lalu lintas dapat dikurangi. Selain penempatan lampu lalu lintas yang tepat, pengaturan waktu siklus (cycle time) juga mutlak diperlukan karena pengaturan waktu siklus yang kurang tepat akan menyebabkan ketertundaan yang tinggi dan antrian yang panjang sehingga menimbulkan rasa ketidaknyamanan bagi para pemakai jalan. Hal ini banyak terlihat di beberapa persimpangan daerah ibukota yang padat, banyak pengaturan fase dan waktu siklus yang sudah tidak sesuai dengan kondisi persimpangan, namun masih saja dipakai sehingga kemacetan akibat waktu tundaan yang tinggi dan antrian panjang pun tidak terelakkan, diikuti oleh pelanggaranpelanggaran lalu lintas.

Pelanggaran terhadap lampu lalu lintas tidak hanya terjadi pada jam-jam puncak kesibukan, pada jam-jam saat arus lalu lintas sepi juga sering terjadi pelanggaran lalu lintas yaitu kecenderungan para pengguna jalan untuk tidak mematuhi lampu lalu lintas karena waktu siklus yang terlalu lama dan volume kendaraan pada persimpangan sangat kecil. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan pengatur lampu lalu lintas yang memiliki waktu siklus dan fase yang dapat diatur dari waktu ke waktu selama 24 jam. Sehingga jumlah tundaan yang tinggi, antrian yang panjang dan jumlah pelanggaran lalu lintas yang tinggi dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin. Pengembangan pengatur lampu lalu lintas ini amat penting, karena hasilnya dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Efisiensi sistem juga merupakan hal yang penting untuk setiap kota besar.

Untuk itu, maka dirancang sebuah alat pengatur lampu lalu lintas berbasis FPGA Altera EPF10K10 menggunakan VHDL. FPGA atau Field Programmable Gate Array adalah rangkaian digital terintegrasi yang terdiri dari blok logika yang dapat dikonfigurasi dan dapat diprogram, serta blok interkoneksi yang dapat dikonfigurasi diantara blok-blok ini. Papan pengembangan FPGA yang digunakan dalam perancangan adalah Wizard FLEX-A01 Experiment Board, yang merupakan papan pengembang FPGA berbasis RAM tipe EPF10K10LC84 (Keluarga Flex 10K) dari ALTERA dengan kapasitas 10.000 gerbang (gates) logika dan 576 logic element serta 6.144 bit RAM dengan Konektor JTAG untuk koneksiByteblaster.

Perancangan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kode VHDL atau VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description Language. VHDL adalah sebuah Hardware Description Language (HDL) yang mampu mendeskripsikan sifat atau watak rangkaian atau sistem digital dan merupakan HDL pertama yang mendapat standarisasi dari Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) melalui IEEE 1076 dan sebagai tambahan standar, IEEE 1164.

(informasi selengkapnya bisa diunduh disini)


Vending Machine Control System Prototype using ALTERA FPGA EPF10K10


The objective of this project is to design and build an FPGA based vending machine control system prototype using VHDL desig and modular approach. Vending Machine has its own comparative advantages compared with conventional purchasing mechanism; it provides better accessibility and practicality, not to mention anonymity and limitless purchasing time. These advantages become apparent in big metropolis city where the demand over practicality to purchase daily needs such as beverages and snacks is high. Vending machine is designed with the fixed control over its nominal money input and its product price and variety, due to the user’s demand. This control system has tendency to be static and hard to modify neither its nominal money input nor its product price and variety. Thus, it is proposed to design the decent, easily configured and modified control system by the user so that it can be applied respectably to the needs.

The FPGA based Vending Machine’s control system is designed using VHDL design and modular approach. This approach is held with the main principal of dividing the whole system into modules implemented through VHDL. Eventually these modules will be integrated and compiled using the Max+plusII software. The design runs smoothly on the ALTERA EPF10K10 development board.


Vending Machine is one of the most practical selling device applicable in many countries. The history of vending machine began at 215 BC when a mathematician named Hero designed the tool for a temple in Alexandria, Egypt, to pour holly water if people put on a bronze coin. Basically almost every product can be sold through vending machine, include foods and drinks. Even in 1980 in Paris, the vending machine which sells wine, beer and liquor existed. In countries like Japan, with rapid development of vending machine, it can be found variety and amount of this device which sells clothes, flowers, milk, cigarette, stamp, condom, cologne, baseball card, book, bait, comic book, cassette, and CD, lottery ticket, camera and film. In many developed country like Germany, France, and Singapore, almost all of the train ticket selling is through vending machine.

In Indonesia, along with the trend of growing number of population and the growing activities and business in which creates the escalating demand over practicality, the presence of vending machine would be very helpful. Vending machine has its own comparative advantages such as practicality accessibility, not to mention how it provides anonymity and limitless time of transaction. These advantages considered significantly important in big metro cities and also in student cities, where practically in purchasing beverages and drinks becomes priority.

Typically Vending machine is designed with fixed control over its nominal money input and its product price and variety, due to the user’s demand. This control system has tendency to be static and hard to modify neither its nominal money input nor its product price and variety. Thus, this project is to design the decent, easily configured and modified control system by the user so that it can be applied respectably to the needs. The Vending Machine’s control system is designed based on FPGA and using VHDL design approach.

(More information? Download here…)