Atmel’s AT94K and AT94S family of Field Programmable System Level Integrated Circuits (FPSLIC devices) combine all the basic system building blocks (logic, memory and uC) in an SRAM-based monolithic field programmable device. The FPSLIC programmable SLI platform allows true system level designs to be implemented without the need for expensive NRE (non-recurring engineering) charges or costly software tools. FPSLIC for the first time puts system level integration on every designer’s desk.
The FPSLIC Secure (AT94S) family of devices offers security and even higher integration. In addition to the FPGA, AVR and SRAM memory these devices have an on-chip serial configuration memory. The combination of FPSLIC and the serial configuration memory in a single package allows for ISP and remote updates of FPSLIC while hiding programming code for the FPGA and AVR micro.
FPSLIC devices combine 5K to 40K gates of Atmel’s patented AT40K FPGA architecture, a 20 MIPS AVR 8-bit RISC microprocessor core, numerous fixed microcontroller peripherals and up to 36 Kbytes of program and data SRAM.