
5 Keys to Mastering OPC Integration

Listening to the likes of Covey or Robbins will lead you to believe that these aren’t really issues. They are merely self imposed mental challenges that can be overcome by thinking “Win-Win” or “Being the Voice”. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” might be a great up spiritual up-lifter, but what the industrial world really needs is “OPC Expertise for the System’s Integrator”.

KEY #1: FOLLOW YOUR BLISS (Simple Access and Universal Connectivity)

Systems integrators specialize in bringing together component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together properly. If there is one thing every integrator wants is universal connectivity and the ability to harness all the available information into one complete picture. OPC gives applications across the manufacturing enterprise access to real-time information in a consistent manner, making multi-vendor interoperability connectivity a reality. For example, MatrikonOPC is the world’s leading provider of OPC products with connectivity to every major control system and application on the market. OPC keeps users free from data-source implementation details, is vendor independent, and works with all types of data: real-time, historical, alarms and events.

Key #2: EXPERIENCE AND DEDICATION (Legacy Friendly and Future Ready)

Persistence, patience and perseverance may get the job done, but integrating OPC systems is much easier when you use trusted OPC products. The wide range of proprietary protocols and solutions system integrators face means they require OPC servers that are legacy friendly and future ready. They need to be able to work with all devices, not just the latest-and-greatest versions yet robust enough to handle future connectivity advances. You have to find OPC Server that built on their certified, integrated OPC Framework, and provides connectivity to all main OPC specifications and versions, including OPC DA, HDA and A&E.

Key #3: GET A GUIDE (Find the Right Partner)

Not only do system integrators need to recognize which products are best suited, but also know where to go for expertise they may not readily have in-house. Effectively troubleshooting OPC systems, recognizing and dealing with compliancy issues requires a specialized skill set. For example, The MatrikonOPC Integrator Program allows integrators the ability to confidently bid on a wider array of projects and place more focus on key aspects of their existing automation projects knowing that they have expert assistance in addressing data connectivity issues: from initial communication architecture design and proper connectivity software selection to implementation support and training.

Key #4: VISUALIZE THE OUTCOME (Reliable Design)

In order for the best solution to be implemented, the requirements need to be clearly designed from the beginning. Different systems require different products or specific configurations, and successful implementation hinges on a reliable design. Optimal connectivity solutions may have minimum downtime constraints, guaranteed data delivery requirements for real-time or historical data.

Key #5: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE (Flexible Security)

All too often system integrators or their automation clients face opposition from IT departments stating that open standard connectivity is at odds with secure systems. In order for various departments to work together, both sides need to recognize how the right OPC products and architecture can provide flexible security. For example, The MatrikonOPC Tunneller and Security Gateway applications are used in numerous architectures that allow external access while providing internal ‘zoned’ access for process specific applications. The OPC Security specification gives users the advantages of open standard connectivity, with the security of controlled user access.

Grab the Keys

Customers from all industries are demanding improved productivity. Every inspirational speaker, self help tape or industry guru’s message boils down to the same thing “Work Smarter, Not Harder”. One way to achieve this is collaborating with a company with the best technology, resources and products to help overcome the implementation obstacles. OPC vendors must provides solutions-focused, OPC domain experts that can help systems integrators to design, build, install and service new and retrofit integrated solutions in their industries and applications. Einstein once said “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. If OPC integration is your difficulty, then now is your opportunity. The ability to seamlessly implement OPC systems is within your grasp.

Just grab the Keys!


Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat!

5 Barriers to System Interoperability

The objective of any key is to unlock the barriers between you and what you need to achieve. The most important keys that any systems integrator wants to get their hands on are the ones that deal with the five most common barriers to successful system interoperability.

  1. Multi-vendor Interconnectivity
    The nature of system integration tends to produce generalists who have some knowledge of a large number of products from multiple vendors. This also means systems integration includes a substantial amount of diagnostic and troubleshooting work since most vendors have not validated their systems interconnectivity with rival products.
  2. Proprietary Protocols
    Even in the current age of OPC and other open standards, many vendors still rely on proprietary protocols within their systems. New protocols continue to appear and evolve from those claiming to have a superior solution to accepted open standards. System integrators need to handle the problems of the past and the future to come.
  3. Non-compliant OPC Software
    Although the OPC Foundation provides much in the way of compliance and interoperability test tools, there are still vendors who put less than perfect products on the market. Unreliable, non-compliant or custom OPC products are a real part of life for many system implementations.
  4. Architecture Design
    There is more to reliably moving data through out the enterprise than just choosing the right products. Any OPC system architecture needs to consider aspects such as reliability, guaranteed data delivery, redundancy and recovery and what that means in terms of OPC implementation.
  5. Firewalls, Domains and Windows Security Settings
    Like it or not, Microsoft technology is a dominate feature in many industrial automation settings. Typical IT imposed security features such as firewalls, multiple isolated domains, DCOM and other Windows Security settings are the bane of many interconnected systems.


Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat!

Tutorial OPC (Bagian-5): Akses Data historik (OPC HDA)

Tentang OPC HDA

  • OPC Historical Data Access (HDA) merupakan standar pertukaran data arsip.
  • Data historik digunakan untuk analisis: trending, prediksi kerusakan, penyelidikan akar masalah, penilaian unjuk kerja, dan lain-lain.
  • Komunikasi antar semua aplikasi dan arsip data (Process Historians, RTU-RTU, basisdata, dan lain-lain) lebih konsisten.

OPC HDA, atau Historical Data Access digunakan untuk pertukaran data-data proses yang tersimpan. Untuk mengakses informasi secara real-time Anda harus menggunakan OPC DA.

Pabrik-pabrik di seluruh dunia telah membeli dan mengimplementasikan sistem penyimpan-data dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Sistem ini membolehkan penggunaan piranti analisis data. Menggunakan data-data yang tersimpan (archived data), sekarang Anda bisa melakukan trending, prediksi kerusakan, penyelidikan akar masalah, penilaian unjuk-kerja, dan berbagai analisis lainnya, yang terkait dengan data-data yang tersimpan dari berbagai macam sumber.


Tutorial OPC (Bagian-4): Akses Data Real-time (OPC DA)

Pendahuluan OPC DA (Data Access)

  • OPC DA merupakan standarisasi akses data secara real-time.
  • Komunikasi antar peralatan dan aplikasi selalu konsisten.
  • OPC DA tersedia untuk setiap sistem kontrol proses yang utama
  • OPC DA mengamankan skalabilitas.

OPC Data Access, atau cukup OPC DA, menyediakan sebuah cara standar untuk mengakses data-data secara real-time dari perangkat keras dan lunak kontrol proses.

Menggunakan OPC DA, komunikasi antar semua peralatan dan aplikasi akan konsisten. Server OPC DA untuk PLC, DCS, atau peralatan lainnya menyediakan data dalam format yang benar-benar sama! Begitu juga, HMI, Process Historian dan aplikasi lainnya bisa menerima data OPC dalam format yang sama. Hal ini membolehkan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak kontrol proses Anda menukar-nukar data secara bebas, menyediakan interoperabilitas yang luas di dalam perusahaan.


Tutorial OPC (Bagian-3): Yayasan dan Spesifikasi OPC

Yayasan OPC (OPC Foundation)

  • Merupakan organisasi non-profit.
  • Beranggotakan ratusan perusahaan.
  • Sesi interoperabilitas menjamin komunikasi antar produk OPC
  • Produk yang OPC Compliant harus lolos uji OPC


Tutorial OPC (Bagian-2): Konektivitas OPC vs. Kepemilikan (Proprietary)

Studi Kasus sebuah pabrik petrokimia

  • Pabrik petrokimia membutuhkan pemantauan peralatan.
  • Tiga aplikasi yang berbeda dibutuhkan untuk analisis data.
  • TIga alat menghasilkan data (masing-masing sebagai sumber data).

Untuk memahami OPC, marilah kita lihat studi kasus berikut ini.


Tutorial OPC (Bagian-1): Pendahuluan

Sekilas tentang OPC

  • OPC menstandarisasi komunikasi data kontrol proses
  • OPC menstandarisasi teknologi, bukan sebuah produk
  • OPC menyediakan interoperabilitas dan skalabilitas sesungguhnya
  • OPC bisa mengurangi waktu dan ongkos implementasi

Tujuan dari OPC adalah menyediakan sebuah infrastruktur standar untuk pertukaran data kontrol proses. Misalnya, pabrik biasanya memiliki berbagai macam sumber data seperti PLC, DCS, basisdata, meteran, RTU dan lain sebagainya. Data-data ini tersedia melalui berbagai macam koneksi yang berbeda-beda, misalnya, serial, ethernet, atau bahkan melalui pemancar radio. Sedangkan aplikasi kontrol prosesnya bisa menggunakan berbagai macam sistem operasi yang berbeda, seperti windows, UNIX, DOS, atau VMS.