
Aplikasi TOGGLE ON/OFF menggunakan ZEN Programmable Relay

Untuk mengawali tahun 2011 ini, kali ini iseng-iseng saya buat sebuah diagram tangga menggunakan ZEN Programmable Relay untuk fungsi tombol TOGGLE (ON/OFF melalui (hanya) satu tombol saja). Kedengarannya menarik, baiklah yang perlu kita ingat bahwa TIMER pada ZEN Programmable Relay memiliki beberapa fungsi yaitu:

  • ON delay
  • OFF delay
  • One-shot Pulse
  • Flashing Pulse, dan
  • Twin Timer

Nah yang akan kita manfaatkan adalah OSP atau One-Shot Pulse-nya bukan yang lain. Oke kita awali dengan menggambarkan koneksi antara tombol ON/OFF dengan TIMER T0-nya yang sudah diaktifkan OSP-nya dengan jeda sekitar 200milidetik (lebih kecil juga boleh). Dari T0 kemudian dihubungkan dengan sebuah memori bit M0 sebagai stat_0, nah dari stat_0 inilah nantinya kombinasi untuk menghasilkan kondisi TOGGLE bisa dilakukan, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan M1 (atau stat_1) sebagai luaran TOGGLE. Perhatikan gambar awal diagram tangga berikut ini:


Opto 22 G4 Handler: PAC-Based Motion Control

Since the introduction of G4 input/output modules in the mid-1980s, Opto 22 has sold millions. And 20 years later, these remain some of the company’s best-selling products. Like most Opto 22 modules, G4’s are guaranteed for life. In order to make this guarantee, the company must submit the modules to rigorous testing before they’re shipped to customers.

The G4 Handler is the machine used to perform these tests. When the 20-year-old servos on the G4 Handler needed to be replaced, an economical replacement could not be found. Instead, the G4 Handler’s servo motors were replaced with stepper motors.

This case study describes how the SNAP PAC System Motion Control Subsystem was used with the new stepper motors to control module testing and gather test data.

For more information click PDF.


PAC Case Study: Michigan Fish Hatcheries

At fish hatcheries throughout the state of Michigan, Opto 22 SNAP PAC systems interface with flowmeters, float level sensors, variable frequency drives, and the other power-, oxygen-, and water-related equipment to automate, manage, and monitor equipment used during every stage of the fish rearing process. Also monitored and managed are a variety of water conditions such as tank water temperatures, water flow and oxygenation, as well as the on/off status of equipment.

More info click here (PDF)


What Is a PAC? New Trend?

Programmable automation controllers or PACs. You’ve been hearing a lot about them lately. But what are they really, how do they differ from the hardware you’re using now, and why should you be interested?

Let’s take that last question first: Why should you be interested in PACs?

The answer lies in the demands of today’s industrial applications, where interfacing with signals from sensors and actuators is now just the starting point. Advanced control features, network connectivity, integration of remote and distributed subsystems, device interoperability, and enterprise-wide data integration are all requirements you may be called upon to meet.

If there’s a simpler way to meet these requirements, you’d probably like to know about it. And today, PACs seem to be emerging as that simpler way.