Mikrokontroler satelit

Satellite Tracking Control System for UGM Ground Station Based on TLE Calculation

by Agfianto Eko Putra, Bakhtiar Alldino Ardi Sumbada, Anas Nurbaqin

UGM ground station requires a satellite tracking control system that can follow the movements of the satellite. The system proposed in this study is relying on the calculation of Two Line Elements (TLE), the reason is that the data TLE has a subtle error. The compass sensor is used to ensure accuracy; the results were evaluated using a protractor, and about 99%. Moreover, this system is also tested to receive images from NOAA satellites using the RTL-SDR and Yagi antennas. In general, this system can follow the motion of the satellite well.

Published in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks, and Satellite (COMNETSAT2016)

control satelit

Satellite Tracking Control System for UGM Ground Station based on TLE Calculation

UGM ground station requires a satellite tracking control system that can follow the movements of the satellite. The system proposed in this study is relying on the calculation of Two Line Elements (TLE), the reason is that the data TLE has a subtle error. The compass sensor is used to ensure accuracy; the results were evaluated using a protractor, and about 99%. Moreover, this system is also tested to receive images from NOAA satellites using the RTL-SDR and Yagi antennas. In general, this system can follow the motion of the satellite well.

[click here for the PDF]

Mikrokontroler satelit

Real-time operating system implementation on OBC/OBDH for UGMSat-1 sequence

On-Board Computer or On-Board Data Handling (OBC/OBDH) has an important role as a manager for data housekeeping and communication handling between OBC/OBDH to its TTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) and EPS (Electronic Power System) subsystems in the satellite system. In order to operate according to the satellite sequence the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) is implemented on the UGMSat-1. The CooCox CoOS is used as an RTOS which is has three tasks which are Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication Task. The highest priority among the tasks on the system is Communication Task. The experiment proves that three tasks can run well with the time cycle of 2.034 30.047 and 1.017 seconds for Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication task respectively. The result of overall experiments shows that the OBC/OBDH can manage data packets and sent them to Ground Station.

(click here for more information)


IiNUSAT-1: The 1st Indonesian inter-university nano-satellite for research and education

Mastery of aerospace technology becomes very important for Indonesia. Due to the given the vast areas of Indonesia mostly in the form of marine waters.This condition has made a guarding and monitoring becomes easy. Therefore needed satellite technology that can be utilized to guard the interests of the territory of Indonesia. The success of developing IiNUSAT-1 on the one hand proves that the universities in Indonesia have competence in the field of nano-satellite development, on the other hand also shows that gotong-royong (working-together) in research-networks and technology will accelerate the research competence. In the first year of development IiNUSAT-1 produced a document Prelimidary Design Review, and a prototype of the nano-satellite. The result shows that the nano-satellite prototype has maximum transfer rate 115.2 kbps and every parameter is sampled every second. Having experience developing and operating the nano-satellite in the first year research project, it will trigger the research related to security and prosperity of the nation. The next version of the nano-satellite will be payloaded with sensors and instruments which can be utilized for national security and prosperity.

(click here for download the paper)

FPGA satelit

Five Modular Redundancy with Mitigation Technique to Recover the Error Module

Hazard radiation can lead the system fault therefore Fault Tolerance is required. Fault Tolerant is a system, which is designed to keep operations running, despite the degradation in the specific module is happening. Many fault tolerances have been developed to handle the problem, to find the most robust and efficient in the possible technology. This paper will present the Five Modular Redundancy (FMR) with Mitigation Technique to Recover the Error Module. With Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration technology that have already   available today, such fault tolerance technique can be implemented successfully. The project showed the robustness of the system is increased and module which is error can be recovered immediately.

(for the PDF click here)


Error Detection and Correction System (EDAC) of On Board Data Handling (OBDH) in Real Time Operating System Behaviour

The satellite requires the support of a robust sub system. On Board Data Handling (OBDH) is the core function of the satellite subsystem and has to be error free in managing the operation of the satellite. It should withstand the harsh environmental conditions in space that has a lot of hazards caused by radiations. In view of these two conditions, the OBDH design should be able to manage the operation and overcome the hazards of radiation. In order to manage the operation Real Time Operating System (RTOS) was applied. RTOS was able to manage the task efficiently and effectively. In the aerospace domain, RTOS has become popular because of its strength in managing the operating system. Error Detection and Correction System (EDAC) system was applied to make OBDH more robust. This paper will discuss the implementation of the EDAC system in tandem with the RTOS behaviour to manage the operation and increase the robustness of the system. The findings show that OBDH can be programmed successfully using RTOS to handle critical and robust operations.

(the PDF is here)

Mikrokontroler satelit

Indonesian Cansat Training Program

The CanSat Leader Training Program (CLTP) is a training course, conducted by UNISEC Japan, that was established for participants to experience the entire cycle of CanSat development from the design to launch of model rockets. Through the program, participants will learn the space technology and teaching methods utilized in space engineering. CLTP held in Japan in every year and followed one of them by representatives of Indonesia, Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra, in 2011. The CanSat Model of developing satellite is suitable for education of aerospace technology, especially satellites, due to a more affordable range of funds independently and components that are easier to find.

Universitas Gadjah Mada, especially Electronics and Instrumentation Dept., has adopted to implement the CanSat education among undergraduate students to develop Indonesian CanSat Training Program. In 2012, as the early years, it has been formed several teams for CanSat development. The membership of each team is 3 or 4 undergraduate students. Every team must design the mission, hardware, and software of the satellite independently. Several constrains are given in the form of dimension, mass, and power used by the satellite. The dimension of Cans is limited to 65 mm of diameter and 150 mm of the height. The maximum weight allowed is 350 grams. Maximum power used must be less then 1300 mAh. For the microprocessor unit, every team must use the PIC16F877, the microcontroller that suitable for satellite environment. Sixteen teams was formed, while the stages that has been done are MDR (Mission Design Review), PDR (Preliminary Design Review) and developing the FM (Flight Module).

(download the PDF format for this paper which was poster-presented at the 4th UN/Japan Nano-Satellite Symposium in Nagoya on October 10-13, 2012)