DSP FPGA Mikrokontroler satelit

INSPIRE Workshop at PENS ITS (October 19-20, 2009)

INSPIRE (Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research & Education) is a nonprofit initiative project that aims to build & develop a satellite technology platform (nano-satellites in particular) among universities in Indonesia, by placing students as main participants.

INSPIRE project was created to remind that our country is enough left behind by other developing countries in the field of satellite technology, yet this technology platform can support other sectors such as telecommunications, navigation, marine, environmental, natural resource exploration, as well as early warning system for disaster.

INSPIRE project is expected to raise as well as providing transfer media of knowledge and skills as well as to grow and develop interest in the satellite technology (especially nano-satellites) among the students, and the universities as a center of activity.

Certainly, the final goal of this project does not just stop with the nano-satellite in the university & college students only, but is expected to advance satellite technology in Indonesia, because the technology is very vital existence, either in an academic environment as well as in industrial environments (telecommunication & informatics) .

One early milestone INSPIRE project is convening a national workshop, which brought together the stakeholders in the satellite technology in Indonesia, such as Tubsat LAPAN team, IiNUSAT (Indonesian Inter-University Satellite) team, INASAT team, as well as the experts and the entrepreneurs of nano-satellites from abroad. Moreover, it also invited representatives of students and universities throughout Indonesia as a potential major participant in the next INSPIRE activities. This workshop also bring them together in a forum to discuss strategies and synergies in the future for education and mastering of nano-satellite technology for the welfare of the nation.


OpenSPARC Training (8-9 Juni 2009)

OpenSPARC is an open source hardware project started in December 2005. The initial contribution to the project was Sun MicrosystemsRegister transfer level (RTL) Verilog code for a full 64-bit, 32-thread microprocessor, the UltraSPARC T1 processor. On 21 March 2006, Sun released the source code to the T1 IP core under the GNU General Public License. On December 11, 2007, Sun also made the UltraSPARC T2 processor’s RTL available via the OpenSPARC project.

Selama dua hari, 8 dan 9 Juni 2009, Kelompok Keahlian Elektronika, STEI-ITB mengadakan OpenSPARC Training yang langsung diisi oleh David L. Weaver (editor buku OpenSPARC Internal, unduh bukunya disini). Untuk acara ini Komunitas OpenSPARC-UGM yang diwakili oleh Agfianto E.P. mengadakan video conference (vicon) langsung di Ruang Sidang PPTIK, UGM.

pak Trio Adiono, Ph.D. sedang memberikan sambutan

Acara dimulai dengan pembukaan oleh pak Trio Adiono (KK Elektronika, yang punya acara), pak Adang Suwandi (Dekan STEI), dan pak Harry Kaligis (Sun Microsystems). Setelah itu acara langsung dimulai dengan presentasi oleh David Weaver, Chief OpenSPARC Evangelist dari Sun Microsystems. Informasi tentang Workshop ini juga bisa Anda baca di blog-nya pak Budi Rahardjo (klik donk).

David Weaver memberikan presentasi latar belakang OpenSPARC