DSP Mikrokontroler Neurosains

EEG-Based Microsleep Detector using Microcontroller

Tifani Galuh Utami, Agfianto Eko Putra and Catur Atmaji

Drowsiness has symptoms which are itchy eyes, slow eye blink movement, smaller pupils, yawning and even a body. But the driver ignores it when the body send one of those signals often. The impacts which can occur to the driver, such as make a wrong decision while driving, could happen and lead to the most car accident reason. Therefore, the system which can provide an alarm when the driver feels drowsiness, fatigue or even microsleep is required. The way to detect microsleep when it occurs is to use the Electroencephalograph (EEG) brainwave. The system uses the one channel EEG Sensor device developed by Neurosky Mindwave which can provide eight brainwave signal such as Delta, Theta, Low Alpha, High Alpha, Low Beta, High Beta, Low Gamma, and Mid Gamma. On the other hand, attention and relaxation value can be generated as well. This prototype system tested by the car driver achieved its purpose of detecting microsleep event and alerting the driver by the alarm.

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PID Self Tuning Control Based on Mamdani fuzzy Logic Control for quadrotor stabilization

Quadrotor as one type of UAV can perform Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL). It allows the Quadrotor to be stationary hovering in the air. PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control system is one of the control methods that are commonly used. It is usually used to optimize the Quadrotor stabilization at least based on the three Eulerian angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) as input parameters for the control system. Various methods can obtain the three constants of PID. The simplest way is tuning manually. This approach has several weaknesses. For example, if the three constants are not exact, the resulting response will deviate from the desired result. By combining the methods of PID with fuzzy logic systems where human expertise is implemented into the machine language is expected to optimize the control system further.

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The use of Video Processing for Quadrotor Flight Stability Control Monitoring

The quadrotor is one kind of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Quadrotor can hover with minimal translational velocity approaching a stationary state. The four rotors support this capability. These rotors are used to lift the Quadrotor to fly. These rotors are placed on all four sides of the tip of Quadrotor. To operate with excellent stability, we can use an IMU sensor (Inertial Measurement Unit). IMU sensor consists of some DOF (degrees of freedom) sensors, such as 3-axis accelerometer sensor, 3-axisgyroscope sensor, 3-axis magnetometer sensor, and so on under the needs of flight. To test the stability of Quadrotor can be done by utilizing the video and image processing methods. This processing acts as the ’eyes’ of Quadrotor. Sobel method as one of the picture processing algorithms can be used to read the edges of the object. This method can measure the level of stability fly. But before reading the results of the edge must first be converted to black and white format. Otsu method can be used to perform the conversion. Then we find the center point of the result of the transformation of the object being viewed. This point can be used to read the movement of Quadrotor. It is used to determine the position of the quadrotor movement on vertical and horizontal axes. The position can be utilized as input to control the quadrotor flight stability.

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Quadrotor flight stability system with Routh stability and Lyapunov analysis

UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) can fly autonomously or be controlled remotely by a pilot. Quadrotor as one type of UAV has been widely implemented in various needs. Its system design has a lot of control techniques involved. The design starts with the physical modeling. Quadrotor physical modeling is modeling based on the laws of physics as a theory and mathematical modeling of physical interpretation. The problem arises when actual plants are not fit with mathematical models that are used as the control design before. Such discrepancy arises because of external interference, plant parameters, and dynamics models that are nonlinear. If control systems are not designed to deal with non-linear interference, it is difficult to us to maintain quadrotor flight. Therefore, we need control methods that can be applied to linear and nonlinear systems. Routh Stability can be used to generate PID (Proportional Integral and Derivative) constants as a linear control method by using a Ziegler-Nichols. Lyapunov as a method of non-linear control method offers distinct advantages over other control methods. Lyapunov second method is further implemented by a control technique that gives a good effect. So the PID and Lyapunov method can make quadrotor approaching the stationary state.

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Mikrokontroler satelit

Real-time operating system implementation on OBC/OBDH for UGMSat-1 sequence

On-Board Computer or On-Board Data Handling (OBC/OBDH) has an important role as a manager for data housekeeping and communication handling between OBC/OBDH to its TTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) and EPS (Electronic Power System) subsystems in the satellite system. In order to operate according to the satellite sequence the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) is implemented on the UGMSat-1. The CooCox CoOS is used as an RTOS which is has three tasks which are Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication Task. The highest priority among the tasks on the system is Communication Task. The experiment proves that three tasks can run well with the time cycle of 2.034 30.047 and 1.017 seconds for Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication task respectively. The result of overall experiments shows that the OBC/OBDH can manage data packets and sent them to Ground Station.

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Belajar Sensor dan Aktuator menggunakan Grove Starter Kit


Grove is a modular electronics platform for quick prototyping that does not involve soldering or bread boarding. Simply plug the Grove modules into the Grove shield and leverage the example code provided for each Grove module. The Grove Starter Kit contains a multitude of sensors and actuators, so you can start messing around with projects. (Grove at Wikipedia)

Pernahkah sobat terbayangkan membuat purwarupa pengukur suhu dengan tampilan LCD tanpa harus menggunakan breadboard atau solder-menyolder, cuman colokin-colokin saja kayak lego? Atau bikin kontrol servo menggunakan potensiometer? Atau bikin kontrol LED menggunakan sensor cahaya?

Yah bisa jadi penggunaan breadboard atau kegiatan solder-menyolder menjadi hambatan untuk tetap terus belajar… atau memang enggan pake simulator yang harus di-cracksehingga merasa berdosa menggunakan perangkat lunak ilegal… lagian juga kalo bisa dicoba secara nyata… secara real, why not? iya nggak…?

Nah alhamdulillah… sudah ada yang bikin modul dengan nama Grove Starter Kit yang berisikan sekitar 11 modul plus 1 buah shield dasar (base shield) yang bisa digunakan bersama dengan Arduino — sebuah platform mikrokontroler yang saat artikel ini ditulis mengalami booming alias nge-trend luar biasa!

Supported by…

Arduino Joglosemar
Arduino Joglosemar

Tentang Grove

Sejak awal, Grove memang ditujukan untuk sarana belajar yang praktis, seperti pada Lego, bagian-bagian sensor dan aktuatornya dibikin dalam bentuk modul-modul yang tinggal dicolokin ke base shield yang sudah disediakan.

Grove Starter Kit v3.0

Perhatikan gambar Grove Starter Kit v3.0, itulah isi paket yang Anda peroleh dalam paket penjualannya (klik disini untuk salah satu tokonya). Tidak hanya itu! Karena basisnya adalah Arduino, maka tidak lupa pula disertakan juga contoh2 program-nya (klik disiniuntuk mengunduhnya).

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Pemodelan Generator Uap Berbasis Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dengan Algoritme Pelatihan BPGD-ALAM

Generator uap merupakan unit plant yang memiliki sistem nonlinear dan kompleks dengan konfigurasi multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) yang cukup sulit untuk dimodelkan. Padahal, model generator uap dibutuhkan untuk membuat simulasi seperti operator training simulator (OTS). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan model generator uap yang memiliki 8 parameter luaran dan 9 parameter masukan berbasis jaringan saraf tiruan (JST) menggunakan algoritme pelatihan BPGD-ALAM sehingga diperoleh model yang mendekati sistem nyata. Data diperoleh dari generator uap PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Duri dan dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu data latih, data validasi dan data uji. Data latih digunakan untuk mendapatkan model setiap luaran melalui proses pelatihan. Verifikasi model juga dilakukan untuk setiap epoch-nya menggunakan data validasi untuk memantau proses pelatihan apakah terjadi overfitting atau tidak. Delapan model JST yang diperoleh diuji menggunakan data uji untuk mengetahui performa dari model. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh konfigurasi arsitektur model JST yang berbeda-beda untuk setiap luaran dengan nilai RMSE rendah dari 9,71 % artinya telah dihasilkan model yang mendekati sistem nyata dari generator uap.

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buku Mikrokontroler

Belajar Mudah Mikrokontroler ARM Cortex M0

Belajar Mudah Mikrokontroler ARM Cortex M0” merupakan sebuah pelatihan (biasanya inhouse training) juga sebuah buku sederhana. Sebuah pelatihan/buku yang cocok digunakan untuk pelatihan atau belajar solusi berbasis mikrokontroler, khususnya seri ARM Cortex M0.

The ARM® Cortex®-M0 processor is the smallest ARM processor available. The exceptionally small silicon area, low power and minimal code footprint of the processor enables developers to achieve 32-bit performance at an 8-bit price point, bypassing the step to 16-bit devices. The ultra-low gate count of the Cortex-M0 processor also enables its deployment in analog and mixed signal devices. (ARM)

Pelatihan/buku belajar mikrokontroler ini didasarkan pada penggunaan ARM Cortex M0 produksi dari Nuvoton seri NUC140, lebih tepatnya NUC140VE3CN, menggunakan bantuan papan belajar NUC140 Learning Board atau NUC140LB.

NUC140 Learning Board by Nuvoton


ARM adalah arsitektur prosesor 32 bit yang dibuat oleh ARM Holding dan dilisensikan untuk diproduksi oleh berbagai vendor di dunia termasuk AMD, Atmel, Freescale, Nuvoton, Nvidia, NXP, Samsung, ST Micro, dan TI. Prosesor ARM digunakan pada perangkat smartphone, tablet, dan embedded system. Kini ARM menjadi arsitektur prosesor yang paling banyak diproduksi di dunia.

Seri arsitektur ARM terbaru terdiri dari 3 lini kelas penggunaan yaitu:

  • ARM CORTEX A untuk aplikasi umum
  • ARM CORTEX R untuk aplikasi real time
  • ARM CORTEX M yang setara dengan mikrokontroler


Rangkuman artikel Pemrosesan Sinyal Digital sepanjang 2008-2015

Sungguh menyenangkan bisa menulis dan berbagi berbagai macam artikel atau paper yang berkaitan dengan Pemrosesan Sinyal Digital atau PSD yang sudah sekian tahun saya geluti, dan sebagaimana saya telah membuat rangkuman artikel tentang mikrokontroler dan PLC, berikut ini adalah rangkuman tentang artikel/paper tentang PSD atau DSP yang telah saya tulis sepanjang tahun 2008 – 2015, selamat membaca dan berdiskusi…


Review of Vision-Based Robot Navigation Method

Vision-based robot navigation is a research theme that continues to be developed up to now by the researchers in the field of robotics. There are innumerable methods or algorithms are developed, and this paper described the reviews of the methods. The methods are distinguished whether the robot is equipped with the navigation map (map-based), the map is built incrementally as robot observes the environment (map-building), or the robot navigates using no map (mapless). In this paper will described navigation methods of map-based, map-building, and mapless category.

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