Wow, saya baru dapet informasi tentang VSPE atau Virtual Serial Ports Emulator dan gratis lagi, bisa membantu kita ngembangin eksperimen-eksperimen atau alat-alat yang menggunakan port serial sebagai saluran komunikasi-nya - wajib diketahui buat temen-temen yang memperdalam antarmuka port serial. Berikut informasi dari website-nya:

Tentang VSPE

VSPE is intended to help software engineers and developers to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports. It is able to create various virtual devices to transmit/receive data. Unlike regular serial ports, virtual devices have special capabilities: for example, the same device can be opened more than once by different applications, that can be useful in many cases. With VSPE you are able to share physical serial port data for several applications, expose serial port to local network (via TCP protocol), create virtual serial port device pairs and so on.

Fitur-fitur Kunci

  • Virtual device: connector
  • Virtual device: data splitter
  • Virtual device: pair
  • Mapper device
  • User mode device: TcpServer
  • User mode device: TcpClient
  • User mode device: Serial Redirector
  • User mode device: UDP Manager
  • User mode device: Bridge
  • Python scripting system
  • x86 and x86_64 processor architecture support
  • VSPE API (C/C++ header and static library) for native language developers
  • VSPE API Python bindings for Python developers
  • Embedded HTTP server
  • Data monitoring



Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista (32/64), Windows 7

Free License for 32 bit Platform (X86)

Virtual Serial Ports Emulator is a FREEWARE program on 32 bit platform and can be used absolutely free for any purpose.

FOR DEVELOPERS: You can also use FREE VSPE API key located in the distribution package to get access to internal VSPE functions.

Free License for 32 bit Platform VSPE API Key (X86 only)

Please look for the FREE 32 bit VSPE API key in the distribution package (VSPE_API_32_KEY.txt in Please note, that this key is valid for the current version only! After installing new VSPE version, you should replace old key with the new one.

Dokumentasi dan Pengunduhan

  • Untuk mengunduh VSPE silahkan klikĀ HERE;
  • Dokumentasi: ONLINE atauĀ CHM;

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12 Responses to “Virtual Serial Ports Emulator (VSPE)”

  1. Aplikasi bagus!!! bisa mempercepat proyek nich. makasih pak Agfi.

  2. terima kasih, sungguh membantu project2..!!

  3. maaf pak agfi, pertanyaan saya agak kluar dr vspe…

    Apa 1 buah port serial d pc bsa d pakai utk akses (transmit/receive) data k bnyak mikro tp penomoran com-nya d bedakan?


  4. terima kasih, sungguh membantu…
    Sejedar Info… Lingkar Merah Terbaik Indonesia selalu menggunakan Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia untuk melindungi kendaraan dan mencari info properti rumah pada Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia agar lebih mudah bisa dijangkau dimana pun berada.

  5. salut buat bapak ini, hampir tiap googling masalah hardware, selalu muncul nih website. . .

  6. terima kasih, sungguh membantu bagi yang membutuhkan info ini. terus berkarya ya pak.

    salam hangat

  7. Wah bagus nih pak buat aplikasi developer software mikrokontroler pake antarmuka port serial

  8. Artikel yang menarik pak, jadi saya tambah tahu mengenai virtual serial ports emulator atau vspe ini

  9. Sayang, ane pakai 64Bit, jadi nggak bisa coba.

    Pernah pakai ELTIMA keren banget, berbayar sayang nya……cari duit dulu baru bisa beli yang licence.

    Anyway thanks toek info nya.

  10. thank you pak sudah membantu tugas saya

  11. thank you for sharing it’s so helpful

  12. its good thing to share, thank you.

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