by Agfianto Eko PUTRA, Wiwit SURYANTO, Agung Nugraha SULISTYANA

Seismic data analysis of the 2006 Merapi volcano eruption has been carried out using the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and the Wavelet-based Decomposition and Correlation (WAVEDECOR) combined with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The CWT is used to show the frequency pattern of the event while the WAVEDECOR is used to denote the frequency band of the signal. The CWT and the WAVEDECOR are supported by the FFT to ensure the dominant frequency of the observed signals. The results show that visual patterns and dominant frequency distribution of certain events, including the VT-A, the Low Frequency (LF), the VT-B, tremor, multiphase and lava avalanche. The result from this analysis was then compared with related eruption signal of Merapi in 1996 to determine the pattern similarity. The comparison results show almost identical results for dominant frequencies in VT-A events as well as MP events. The findings in the VT-B event showed that the dominant frequency pattern was slightly different from the 1996 data which showed at medium to high-frequency while for the 2006 data showed only at a medium frequency.

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17 Responses to “Analysis of 2006 Merapi Eruption Data Based on Continous Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Decomposition and Correlation”

  1. Mount Merapi, Gunung Merapi (literally Fire Mountain in Indonesian and Javanese), is an active stratovolcano located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces, Indonesia. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548.

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  6. Thanks For Sharing Mr Agfi, Its very Important

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  9. this seems to really helpful.

  10. it was really good to know about. thanks for sharing this with us.

  11. Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) today (May 11) announced that the Merapi volcano in the border area of ​​Yogyakarta and Central Java Provinces was active, picking up columns of dust, rock and soil with steam. 5,500 meters high into the air, causing local authorities to warn and evacuate residents within a radius of 5 km from this area.

  12. The discoveries in the VT-B occasion indicated that the predominant recurrence design was marginally unique!

  13. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here.

  14. Thanks for sharing such a value able post keep it up

  15. this is correct analysis of merapi eruption and you dont believe many sites shows the wrong data.

  16. This is the one of the original data and i would like to share it on my group.

  17. such a value able post keep it up

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