Agfianto Eko Putra, Catur Atmaji, and Fajrul Ghaleb
In the area of affective computing technology, the classification of emotions can be used for a variety of things such as health, entertainment, education, etc. This study determined the classification of emotions based on EEG (Electroencephalography) signals, which is emotions are classified according to the 2-dimensional graphics modeling [...]

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Catur Atmaji, Agfianto Eko Putra, and Irvan Albab Tontowi
Many research on how the human brain works have been done in the last century. The use of electroencephalogram signal generated from quantifying the brainwave has been developed in many areas including the development of brain-computer interface (BCI) concept. One type of BCI that interesting for the [...]

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Agfianto Eko Putra on October 6th, 2016

Tifani Galuh Utami, Agfianto Eko Putra and Catur Atmaji
Drowsiness has symptoms which are itchy eyes, slow eye blink movement, smaller pupils, yawning and even a body. But the driver ignores it when the body send one of those signals often. The impacts which can occur to the driver, such as make a wrong decision while [...]

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oleh: Agfianto Eko Putra dan Putrisia Hendra Ningrum Adiaty
Telah dilakukan analisis pengaruh bacaan Al Qur’an pada rekaman EEG menggunakan Transformasi Forier Waktu-Singkat (Short Time Fourier Transform atau STFT). Data yang dianalisis adalah rekaman EEG dari 5 orang laki-laki berumur 20-30 tahun. Setiap subyek mengalami 3 tahap perlakuan, yaitu diam, didengarkan bacaan Al Qur’an dan diam [...]

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Data rekam EEG (Electroencephalo-gram) yang berupa sinyal digital dapat dianalisis dengan metode dekomposisi dan korelasi berbasis wavelet (dekorlet) untuk mengekstraksi informasi frekuensi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dekomposisi berbasis wavelet digunakan untuk membagi frekuensi yang terkandung mendekati klasifikasi frekuensi ritme gelombang EEG, yaitu delta, theta, alpha dan beta. Sedangkan proses korelasi digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dominasi [...]

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Agfianto Eko Putra on February 10th, 2009

“Each state that you experience entails a symphony of brain waves, with each frequency playing its own characteristic part. This finely woven, intricate interrelationship of brain-wave frequencies delicately determines your state of consciousness. While you are rarely producing only one type of brain wave at a time, each category of brain waves has [...]

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