On-Board Computer or On-Board Data Handling (OBC/OBDH) has an important role as a manager for data housekeeping and communication handling between OBC/OBDH to its TTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) and EPS (Electronic Power System) subsystems in the satellite system. In order to operate according to the satellite sequence the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) is implemented on the UGMSat-1. The CooCox CoOS is used as an RTOS which is has three tasks which are Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication Task. The highest priority among the tasks on the system is Communication Task. The experiment proves that three tasks can run well with the time cycle of 2.034 30.047 and 1.017 seconds for Condition-Check Housekeeping and Communication task respectively. The result of overall experiments shows that the OBC/OBDH can manage data packets and sent them to Ground Station.

(click here for more information)

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8 Responses to “Real-time operating system implementation on OBC/OBDH for UGMSat-1 sequence”

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