Agfianto Eko Putra on February 27th, 2009

RTC yang kita bahas kali ini adalah RTC dengan antarmuka I2C, yaitu DS1307. Artikel yang membahas RTC lain secara lengkap, DS12C887, yang menggunakan antarmuka paralel dan penggunaan bahasa assembly, bisa Anda baca mulai dari Pendahuluan, Register Data/Kontrol, dan Contoh Aplikasi.
Okey… sekarang kita lihat dulu fitur dari DS1307:

Real-time clock (RTC) meyimpan data-data detik, menit, jam, tanggal, [...]

Continue reading about Tutorial AT89: RTC DS1307 (64 x 8 Serial Real-Time Clock)

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 25th, 2009

Atmel’s AT94K and AT94S family of Field Programmable System Level Integrated Circuits (FPSLIC devices) combine all the basic system building blocks (logic, memory and uC) in an SRAM-based monolithic field programmable device. The FPSLIC programmable SLI platform allows true system level designs to be implemented without the need for expensive NRE (non-recurring engineering) charges or [...]

Continue reading about FPSLIC™ (AVR with FPGA)

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 24th, 2009

Akuisisi data atau proses mendapatkan data (sederhana-nya), merupakan proses yang penting dalam sistem pemantauan dan pengendalian sistem. Fenomena fisik seperti suhu, tegangan, posisi, laju atau kecepatan, gaya, tekanan, radioaktivitas, intenstitas cahaya, resistansi, kelembaban, konsentrasi gas, medan magnet, frekuensi, level suara dan lain sebagainya ditangkap oleh sebuah transduser.
Apakah transduser itu?
A transducer is a device which converts [...]

Continue reading about Antarmuka PC: Dasar-dasar Akuisisi Data

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 20th, 2009

Apakah Anda sedang mencari PLC yang handal?
Sekaligus murah? Harga terjangkau?
Jumlah I/O yang banyak?
Fungsi-fungsi-nya lengkap?

Bacalah artikel ini sampai selesai, barangkali saya telah memberikan solusi buat Anda…
PLC Thinget seri XC merupakan PLC tipe mini dengan fungsi-fungsi yang luar biasa. Produk ini dapat digunakan dalam berbagai macam aplikasi kontrol. Dengan rancangan yang kompak, kemampuan yang tidak diragukan, harga [...]

Continue reading about Low Cost PLC Thinget: Solusi Handal dan Murah!

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 18th, 2009

Kadangkala suatu saat Anda membutuhkan beberapa timer (ON delay) yang disusun secara serial, misalnya, timer-1 memicu timer-2, timer-2 memicu timer-3, dan timer-3 memicu timer-1, dan proses berulang dari awal. Aplikasinya bisa untuk mengontrol lampu trafik.
Baiklah… Perhatikan Gambar 1 (rung-0), kita mulai dengan sebuah saklar untuk ON/OFF sistem yang disambungkan ke Timer-1 melewati status Timer-3 (dalam [...]

Continue reading about Merangkai Timer pada ZEN secara Serial (Cascade)

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 16th, 2009

Since the introduction of G4 input/output modules in the mid-1980s, Opto 22 has sold millions. And 20 years later, these remain some of the company’s best-selling products. Like most Opto 22 modules, G4’s are guaranteed for life. In order to make this guarantee, the company must submit the modules to rigorous testing before they’re shipped [...]

Continue reading about Opto 22 G4 Handler: PAC-Based Motion Control

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 15th, 2009

Engineers designed serial protocol for Sony Playstation 2 controller using NI PXI R Series reconfigurable I/O hardware with Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA programmed with NI LabVIEW FPGA. As a result, they were able to iterate on design by prototyping with LabVIEW, high-performance PXI and reconfigurable FPGA.

Continue reading about Sony Playstation Prototyping with LabVIEW, Xilinx FPGA

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 14th, 2009

Vineet describes what FPGAs are and how they are useful…

Continue reading about FPGA Basics by Vineet

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 13th, 2009

At fish hatcheries throughout the state of Michigan, Opto 22 SNAP PAC systems interface with flowmeters, float level sensors, variable frequency drives, and the other power-, oxygen-, and water-related equipment to automate, manage, and monitor equipment used during every stage of the fish rearing process. Also monitored and managed are a variety of water conditions [...]

Continue reading about PAC Case Study: Michigan Fish Hatcheries

Agfianto Eko Putra on February 12th, 2009

Programmable automation controllers or PACs. You’ve been hearing a lot about them lately. But what are they really, how do they differ from the hardware you’re using now, and why should you be interested?
Let’s take that last question first: Why should you be interested in PACs?
The answer lies in the demands of today’s industrial applications, [...]

Continue reading about What Is a PAC? New Trend?